Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Quickest Way to Learn Problem Solving: The Hour of Code

A buzz filled the air as I looked around my computer lab. Some students were so enamored with their work that they could not take their eyes off their screens. Some were excitedly pointing to other students' windows, sending helpful hints, explanations and sometimes just telling the answers. Despite the occasional cries of frustration, my students were hooked.

The Hour of Code was working its magic. 

Last month, all 269 of my Computer Applications students participated in The Hour of Code. While I was excited that my students were learning this key 21st Century skill, I was more enthralled by the metacognitive opportunity that these brilliantly crafted tutorials offered.

If you haven't hear of it, The Hour of Code is learning disguised as a bunch of games. Crafted by some of the top computer science minds and funded by a plethora of foundations and big names, the program is designed to help students independently acquire an understanding of the syntax and fundamentals of coding. After completing a series of tasks, students are presented with a certificate of completion.

Although it is not marketed as such, The Hour of Code is also a metacognitive gold mine! After my students completed the program, they were asked to reflect on the following two questions:

I ask questions like these after each and every unit. Most times, I get surface answers that lack serious reflection or insight. However, to my pleasant surprise, The Hour of Code lead to very different discussions.

After meeting with all 12 of my classes, the same strategies and themes emerged. They were compiled into the following chart.

(Brittany Spatz, 2014)

These strategies are sophisticated problem solving and critical thinking tasks, requiring that students work at the highest levels. These tutorials pushed my students to use the skills we use when we face real-world problems. Finally, The Hour of Code encouraged ownership of independent learning, while still allowing for collaboration.

Simply put, my students learned everything they need for life in just one hour. 

As I compiled the student reflections into our anchor chart, I found myself coming back to two main questions:

Question 1:
Why was it so much easier for students to identify patterns of thought when talking about coding?

I have many theories about this one, and I invite your input as well, but I have come to the conclusion that students find it easier to think about their own thinking when they don't think that they're learning... did you follow that?

In my masters classes, we have explored using video games in the classroom to facilitate conversations about thought, problem solving and critical thinking. As someone who was forbidden from having video games as a child, this option has never really appealed to me. However, there is no doubt that The Hour of Code, like video games, offers students similar situations.

Students are using complex skills without realizing that they are. This makes it less threatening and less confusing to explore their own movements.

Question 2:
How can we capitalize on this?

In our classroom, this chart has become a touchstone, an anchor lesson. We refer back to it often. We use it to provide us with the vocabulary and skills for learning anything new.

Moving forward, I can't help but encourage ALL teachers to try the Hour of Code. Teachers do not need ANY coding skills. They just have to be able to have their students get to, and let it work its magic.

Then, teachers can step in and talk about what they know best: how we learn, how we solve problems, how we overcome obstacles, how we persevere.

Next year, I plan on starting the year with the Hour of Code, using it as the cornerstone of our class.

How will you incorporate this amazing resource?